Why Christians MUST go through the tribulation
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Luke Nichols
2012-05-06 20:52:16 UTC
Why Christians MUST go through the Tribulation

Christians must go through the tribulation, for three reasons. One, the
tribulation isn't what you think it is! Secondly, It is pre-ordained
that end times Christians go through this period. And thirdly, you'll
have no part with Christ if you don't go through this tribulation
period. Let's look at this for a minute.

You have been led to believe, most erronously also, that the tribulation
period means wrath of God. It's doesn't. This tribulation means a time
of testing of Christians and their faith. It's a time period in which
antichrist wages war on Christians, and in many cases, overcomes theim,
or prevails against them. But before I get into that, let's look at the
word Tribulation first.

The word Tribulation never means wrath, or wrath of God, like many
preachers teach, or end times movies present. The word tribulation in
the greek means Pressure. The actual greek word for tribulation is
thlipsis; meaning pressure, or oppression. Like I stated before, the
word tribulation never meant wrath, in the New Testament meaning of the
word. It's pressure antichrist will put on the saints, and he will have
power to over come them; or prevail against them.

Let's look at what the Word teaches:

"I beheld, and the same horn (antichrist) made war with the saints
(Living Christians), and prevailed against them;

Daniel 7:21 KJV


"And it was given unto him (antichrist) to make war with the saints
(Living Christains), and to overcome them: and power was given him over
all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Revelation 13:7 KJV

The main theme of these two verses is that antichrist will make war, or
wage war against Christians and prevail against them; or win against
them. So, keeping this in mind, as we think about the mark of the beast
times, which is coming sooner than you think, you'll be asked a
question: "Will you renounce Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and receive this
microchip, or die?"

A question must be welling up in your minds:

Why would God allow this to happen?

The answer is simple. The church is so worldly right now, you can't
distinguish it from the world. It's all in our attitudes, our different
beliefs; our way of dressing when we go to church; and the very fact
there are many Christians who are not really saved. They just think they
are. So, God is going to put the churches, worldwide through the meat
grinder, so to speak, to strengthen their faith and draw them closer to
Him. A Holy God cannot accept lukewarm, wishy washy, carnal Christians.
So you are to use this time of testing to draw closer to your God, Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. He's coming back for a bride dressed in white; not a
harlot, which many Churches are today.

And what a time of testing it will be! Your family will turn on you.
Your friends will turn on you. You'll not be able to buy food, or sell
anything. Cash will be worthless, in this new credits based cashless
system they are putting in place. And to be honest, many of you reading
this are already chipped, without your knowledge, or will take the chip.
Trust me; not many people can abide torture too well. But according to
the Word, many will endure to the end, and make it thorugh this time.
So, keeping this sober teaching in mind; shouldn't you begin to make
preparations? And to do it prayerfully.

Christ has already came for the righteous dead, of which I'm a witness
to. You may call me crazy. You may call me mentally ill. You may call me
a delusional kook, but when this time period comes, and the worldwide
testing of the Bride of Christ comes, you'll think of me. But I hope,
more so you'll think of Christ and turn to Him.

For He will come.

Now, we talked about the tribulation being a time of pressure, pressure
the antichrist puts on the churches, to toughen them up; to clean them
up; to draw them closer to God. But nowhere does the word tribulation
mean wrath. The tribulation period will last 3 and 1/2 years. Even now,
worldwide, Christians are being killed for their faith. But the wrath of
God period; which also lasts 3 and 1/2 years, is called the Day of the
Lord. That's the time in which God, in His fury pours out His wrath on a
sinful and godless world.

Both periods compose the 7 year period, that preachers get wrong in
their teachings and preaching. The tribulation period is not 7 years.
It's 3 and 1/2 years, and then God's wrath for 3 and 1/2 years.

So, to summarize what I just taught; The antichrist will have power over
all the earth; and we can see the vehicle for this in the United
Nations. His main enemy during this time will be Christians. He will
make it mandatory everyone take a mark; and those that don't will be
killed by beheading. God will allow this time period to happen to
Christians to strenghthen their faith and to draw them close to Him.

So, in conclusion, you should not view this time period with fear and
trepidation. You should embrace it as a joyous time; a time period in
which your LORD has foreordained for you; to bring you into His kingdom,
and no one can ever touch you again.

Luke Nichols
Princeton, WV
Source: http://www.ashesaid.com
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Luke Nichols
2012-07-06 20:45:46 UTC
Post by Luke Nichols
Why Christians MUST go through the Tribulation
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Luke Nichols
2012-07-06 20:46:45 UTC
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Post by Luke Nichols
Why Christians MUST go through the Tribulation
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Luke Nichols
2013-02-13 06:54:02 UTC
Post by Luke Nichols
Post by Luke Nichols
Post by Luke Nichols
Why Christians MUST go through the Tribulation
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